Go Abroad

We have an online Info Evening!

You want to do an internship abroad, become part of a multicultural community, and do something besides your studies?
Then join our Info Evening online and learn everything about how to apply for an IAESTE internship.
We are looking forward to meeting you!



Wednesday, 20. December 2023
8:00 pm

Online on Jitsi-Meet

Go on an internship abroad with IAESTE

You want to go on an amazing experience, doing a paid internship abroad and making friends from all over the world? Then you have come to the right place!

Are you already writing your application? Click here for a direct link to the description of the application process!

For students in Munich

The local committee of Munich is responsible for all students enrolled in colleges and universities in Munich. We also accept applications from students in cities near Munich if that city does not have a local committee (e.g. Deggendorf, Ingolstadt, Landshut, Rosenheim).

All applicants must have completed at least one year of their bachelor’s degree before sending an application, and should stay enrolled during the entire duration of their internship.

STEM fields

IAESTE internships are mainly in the field of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), with some exceptions.

2-3 months in summer

IAESTE internships can last from 4 to 52 weeks and take place throughout the year. The average duration is 2-3 months, taking place between May and October during the summer months.

Fair payment

The salary for an internship will depend on the living costs of the respective country. Should this country be outside of Europe, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers an additional travel grant to help cover your travelling expenses. Although the website for the travel grant only exists in German, all students enrolled at a German university or college are eligible for it, irrespective of their nationality.

Local support abroad

The local committee abroad will help you find accommodation, deal with bureaucracy and often organizes trips and activities.

A free service

IAESTE Germany is funded by the German state, so you do not have to pay anything for our services! However, we do take a deposit until you have completed your internship.


These are the countries our interns have discovered so far

Application process

All applicants must be enrolled, have completed the first year of their bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) and should stay enrolled during the entire duration of the internship. Other requirements such as language skills and technical expertise are determined by the employer.

There are two ways to apply for an IAESTE internship. Both require the creation of an account on the IAESTE Exchange Platform. These documents must be uploaded in order for the account to be verified:

  • Certificate of enrolment
  • Transcript of records
  • CV
  • English language certificate: We accept all English language certificates, e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, (GMAT, TELC, LCCI) and the DAAD certificate. Please keep in mind that we can’t accept language certificates older than 2 years.

We have a pre-application round during the winter semester due to a high demand for internships in summer. To enter this pre-application round, an applicant must additionally submit a motivational letter. Students who enter this pre-application round are competing for internships taking place approximately between May and October, sometimes December.

If you accept the internship we offer, we kindly ask for a deposit of 150€. After completing your internship and handing in an experience report, you will be refunded the full deposit.

In addition, we charge 15€ as a fee to attend our outgoing seminar, which we organise to help you prepare for your stay abroad. Your money is exclusively used to provide food and materials for the participants of the seminar.

Timeline for an application in the global exchange process

2 weeks before an Exchange Session or Annual Conference

Deadline for the pre-application

The first part of your application is the pre-application. Please register on the Exchange Platform, create an account and upload the necessary documents as well as a motivational letter.

2 weeks before an Exchange Session or Annual Conference
Beginning of January, April & November

Tell us your preferences

IAESTE internships are exchanged between all member countries at 2 Exchange Sessions (January & April) and the Annual Conference (November). IAESTE Germany usually exchanges around 300 internships with a variety of countries over the year. The list of available internships in Germany will be sent out to all applicants shortly after the conference, and we kindly ask you to inform us about your preferred choices.

Beginning of January, April & November
2 Weeks after Exchange Session & AC

Platzvergabe (Internship Allocation)

Internships available to all German students are pre-distributed amongst the local committees on a national level. Soon after, we organise an event in Munich called „Platzvergabe“, where all internships are distributed to our applicants.

2 Weeks after Exchange Session & AC
2 weeks after internship allocation


Those who received an internship at the Platzvergabe now complete their pre-application to fit the employer.

2 weeks after internship allocation
2 weeks after application

Awaiting employer responses

Please wait for your employer to respond to your application. Please do not contact your employer, as all communication has to go through IAESTE for legal reasons until your employer accepts you as an intern. We assure you that we are doing everything we can to speed up the process.

2 weeks after application
After your employer’s confirmation

Let’s go!

If your application was successful, your employer will contact you. Congratulations! Now there is lots to do. In order to help prepare your stay abroad, we organise an outgoing seminar.

After your employer’s confirmation

Open internships throughout the year

There is no pre-application during the summer semester (between April and October). This means your application goes straight to the employer. Once you find an internship you would like to apply for, please contact us via email outgoing@iaeste-muenchen.de and let us know the reference number of your desired internship. Here are some open positions.

More internships are available on the exchange platform. So get your account!